Orange Foundation Liberia

Call for Application to Partner with Orange Foundation on its Wologizi Computer Lab Initiative


Orange Foundation Liberia Country Office was established in Liberia in 2021 as the Humanitarian Arm of Orange Liberia GSM.

As part of Orange Foundation roadmap for “Engage 2025”, the Foundation is focused on a series of digital inclusion projects, namely:

  • Providing access to technology for Universities through the Wologizi Computer Lab Initiative across Liberia with specialization in distance education
  • Providing access to teaching and learning materials using technology for primary school-going children through the Digital Schools initiative for underprivileged schools in Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, and Bomi Counties.
  • Promoting innovation among semi-illiterate and literate women in Bong and Grand Bassa Counties through the Women’s Digital Centers Initiative where peace hut women are being empowered and thought literacy, numeracy, and small business skills using technologies.

By the end of December 2022, Orange Foundation is expected to expand its Wologizi Computer Lab Initiative across Liberia, and the Wologizi initiative has requested for computer labs to be built in Liberia as part of our “Digital Inclusion” intervention. Currently, we have three (3) computer labs with specialization in distance education in Monrovia at AME University, Bomi at AME Zion University and Bong at Cuttington University.


The purpose of this “Call for Application” is to enable Orange Foundation partner with potential institution for the next “Wologizi Computer Lab” to provide access to technology, and promote digital equality by transforming existing structure into a modern furnished Computer Lab that will enable students access quality teaching and learning materials with specialization in distance education as well.

Application process

All Interested Universities should submit their applications which should include the following:

  • Cover Letter
  • Institution profile
  • Ministry of Education permit
  • Current Business Registration Certificate
  • Current Permit from Ministry of Education
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Bye-laws

Interested Universities/ should send these documents to using the Title: Call for Application for Partnership with Orange Foundation Liberia on its Wologizi Computer Lab Initiative Program.

Schools should also submit a hard copy of their documents at Orange Foundation Office in Congo Town Monrovia, Liberia

Orange Foundation will review all applications and do the necessary assessment. Selection will be prioritize based on the information provided and the outcome of the assessment report.

Instructions for Application Submission

Any requests for clarification about the application process shall be sent via email to : or call 0777-777-308.

Application must be signed, stamped, and sealed in an envelope and submitted to the address below not later than August 31, 2022 at 06:00 pm, Monrovia local time (GMT+0).

*Selected University Must be willing to sign a written agreement with Orange Foundation, and report monthly on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).


ODS calls for Wologizi Computer Lab Initiative

Please don’t hesitate to contact cell number(s) 0777-777-308 for queries or information on the application process.