Caller Tunes

Caller Tunes
Without commitment

Share your favorite music using Orange caller tunes. Entertain your callers. Dial 811

Offer details

Share your favorite music using Orange caller tunes. Entertain your callers. Dial 811

Offer details

Share your favorite music using Orange caller tunes. Entertain your callers. Dial 811


Upon dialling your number, your friends can listen to your favourite songs. You have access to a large selection of songs to choose some great tunes for your phone. Now your callers can be entertained by songs you love while they wait for you to answer your phone. Be your own DJ!

To activate the service dial 811 and you will receive a confirmation SMS. After your have subscribed, dial 811 and follow the voice prompt.


  • 50 cents monthly for a song
  • 10 cents monthly for each additional song


You can use up to 5 ring back tunes each month with thousands of songs to choose from.


Click here to view the list of songs and their short codes.